Monday, August 16, 2010

Brooklyn is 7 months old!

Brooklyn has changed so much in the last month. She has turned into a wiggle worm. She wants to see everything and taste everything and grab everything! She likes to grab faces; she pulls my lip, nose and pokes my eyes all throughout the day:)

We call her little lamb because her laugh sounds like a little lamb bleating.

She can sit up by herself for about 10 minutes at a time.

Brooklyn loves looking at pictures right now. Every time we pass by the fridge (which is covered in pictures) she practically jumps out of my arms in excitement.

She is babbling non stop now. Her favorite thing to say is gaga, but she also likes dada.

She is now rolling from back to tummy.

Laneah has a cow girl hat that she loves to put on Brooklyn.
She is eating solid foods well. She has tried most of the foods now and I love feeding her because it doesn't matter if she likes the food or not, her expression on the first bite is utter disgust. Laneah and I break down laughing every time we feed her. After the first bite though, she gobbles the rest down.

Brooklyn is probably teething, but no teeth are showing yet. Because of this she wants to put everything in her mouth and chew on it.

We had a scary incident a couple of weeks ago where she had blood in her stool again. I took her to the doctor who said that 30% of babies who are allergic to milk have a cross over allergy to soy as well. So now our little princess is on a ridiculously expensive hypoallergenic formula, but we are glad that she is all better.

Brooklyn can get on all fours now and she can scoot backwards. She will probably be crawling soon, but I hope she takes her time.

Lately she has been making this old man face, where she sucks on her lips. I guess because she is teething and always wants something to suck on all the time.

She also still sucks her thumb
She loves to be thrown into the air and to "fly" in the air. She will do her high pitched squeal and show you her big gummy smile.

Brooklyn thinks her big sister is hilarious. She loves watching her and playing with her. And Laneah loves making Brooklyn laugh so they play these little games and laugh together.

We love our little princess so much!


Nana said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Brooklyn is so adorable!!! I can't wait to kiss those sweet chubby cheeks!!She just keeps getting more beautiful!! I love the clips of Laneah making Brooklyn laugh. It is so clear that they love each other so much!Thank you for recording these priceless moments for me. I love you Rachel.

Christy and Jereme said...

HA hA!! Her old man face is awesome :)
She is so adorable. I especially love the picture of Brooklyn when her hands are in her lap and shes looking down. You and Jason have the two most beautiful girls on the planet!!!!! Love you all!

J, E, M & I said...

Your girls are super darling...

Jen & Johnny said...

What an angel!!! She looks like she is always happy!! And that smile..... DARLING!!! I can't believe she is 7 months already!!!! XOXOX

Heather said...

I love the old man face! She has such beautiful coloring. And I can't get enough of those dimples!