Sunday, August 15, 2010


Last night we went to a carnival, or as Laneah called it a "carvaval". She had so much fun and wanted to do everything. She won a little duck in a game and it is her new buddy.
Her favorite ride was the choo choo train.

Laneah and I went down the fun slide together and she loved it.

The rest of the rides she rode by herself for the first time. Before she always rode with me. But she didn't mind at all. She just laughed and waved and had a great time.

Brooklyn was fascinated by all the lights and noise and had a good time too. It ended too soon. Luckily we are going back to Sesame Place soon.


Nana said...

She is getting so big!She is brave and independent just like my Rachel Mae was! I love you guys and I miss you!

Christy and Jereme said...

That must have been a fun night. I can't believe how fast shes growing!