Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thanks Nana

This week we got an Easter package from Nana with some candy, presents and cute clothes.

While I was looking at the clothes, Laneah ate 4 recees cups and got halfway through a cadbury egg!

Laneah wanted to put on some of the clothes that Nana got her
And of course the cute shoes

Thanks Nana for our great Easter package!


Nana said...

Rachel,What a great Easter gift for me!!!I'm still crying!I love my beautiful grand-babies so so much! They look adorable in their dresses!I can't wait to see you in your matching one. Jason are you going to wear the blue striped sweater vest?LOL I love you all happy Easter! Thank you

Heather said...

Nana did great! I love the shoes. And Laneah is so a girl after my own heart . . . pounding the Easter candy like that :)