Friday, April 16, 2010

Brooklyn's 3 months old!

I can't believe that I am writing this post already. She is growing so fast. Brooklyn is such a happy and content baby and loves to give big smiles and show off her dimples.
(see how content:)
She will not sleep in her crib so we have started putting her in her swing to sleep and she does great. She has actually slept through the entire night a couple of times! She doesn't spit up at all, but she is the queen of drool.

She hasn't learned to roll over yet, but she is trying.

She loves her baths and loves to be held. She has cute rolls and dimples in her legs and arms.
We got out her Bumbo seat today for the first time and she loved being able to sit up and see everything that was going on.
She likes her mobile and other dangling things and is just starting to try and grab them. She kicks her legs constantly when she is awake and when she is fussy she loves to be bounced. She is growing like a weed and is now in 3-6 month clothing. She is also loosing a lot of her hair and is even starting to get a bald spot in the back of her head.
We love our little princess and feel so blessed to have her with us. Happy 3 months darling!


Nana said...

I just want to kiss those chubby cheeks! She SOOOOO CUTE!! I love you all!

Christy and Jereme said...

Oh my gosh, I just want to pick her up and hold her forever. She beautiful!