Monday, April 12, 2010

My New Craft Page

Blogger has now added a page element, which I love! I added pages a while ago, but haven't had time to update the sections. But now my craft page is up and running. I am excited about it and I hope to update it as often as I can. For now I have 4 new crafts:

1. Bow Holder

2. Family blocks

3. No-Sew Tutu

4. Drawing Dough
So check out my craft blog and if you have any questions about it you can email me or message me on facebook. I hope you enjoy it.


Nana said...

WOW!! what cute crafts! Laneah and Coco are so so adorable in their tutus!!

Heather said...

Have you done the crayon cakes yet? They're super cute and ridiculously easy to do. Isabella and I have done them a few times, and I proudly display them in my office :)