Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Laneah at 2 years and 4 months

A Few Funny sayings:
-She calls toilet paper "paper wipes"
-"Shake your bootie"
-"macon" bacon
-"Chill out"
-"amamals"- animals
-"Fam ah ee" Family
-"memomade" lemonade

-"Did it!" Whenever she does something she is proud of she will yell "Did it. Did it Dora!"

-"Siper, oh no" Swiper is a fox that takes things from Dora and Boots. Laneah pretends that she sees him and that he is going to take her things too. This is where is also got the saying "oh man!"

-Laneah really interacts while she is watching Dora. Dora will tell the kids "say map" and Laneah will yell "say map!"

-She can also count to ten in Spanish now

-She pretend plays with Dora, Boots and their friends.

-She is constantly singing the Dora theme song, back pack and the map song.

What's Happening:

-Laneah has started the "mine" phase. She even will say "share", but really she means that she won't share. She also likes taking turns when she wants you to play with her or do something. Like when she gets out her hula hoop, she will say "Neah's turn" and then when she is done she will say "mommy's turn", and so on.

She wants to know the color of everyone's eyes. She will point to her own and say "blue ones" and then ask what color eyes you have.

-She has a favorite color now. If you ask her what her favorite color is she will say blue. And she usually asks for everything in blue.

- She has started eating cereal in a bowl with milk and loves it. She asks for cereal almost every morning for breakfast.

-Laneah had her face painted for the first time. She did really well holding still and the artist was great with her. The artist asked what she wanted and Laneah told her a butterfly and when the artist asked her what color she wanted it to be, Laneah said blue.

Laneah has had a complete relapse on her potty training. This has been very frustrating to me because it is hard when she is having accidents all the time and I have to clean up and take care of Brooklyn too. I am going to make her a new potty chart and try to start over again. Any suggestions?

She is a social butterfly. She loves to entertain and make people laugh. She loves being the center of attention and likes having everyone she cares about together. If someone isn't there she wants to know where they are. All day long she asks me what is "(insert the name of every person she knows) doing?"

She is very stubborn and very rarely lets me take pictures of her. Getting her to smile for a picture takes a lot of bribing and even then sometimes nothing works. But I snapped a few candid pictures that I think look like model poses. She is so pretty!

Laneah was saying her prayers really well, but now is tries to shortcut. She will say "Dear Heavenly Father, Name of Jesus Christ, Amen" lol. So then we say no, repeat after me and then have her repeat the prayer. Sometimes she will add to the middle section by listing people's names she cares about, which is really sweet.

-She is still very interested in learning. She will go into a room and point to every object and ask "what's that?" until she is satisfied. She also does it with books and movies.

-She wants to do everything Brooklyn does; if Brooklyn has tummy time, Laneah wants to have tummy time, etc.
-My parents bought us a webcam so that we could talk to them on skype and Laneah loves it. She will say "Nana skype" when she wants to get on. But she gets confused as to why she can see people and talk to them, but they can't come out of the screen and play with her. Lately she has been asking me to talk to Barney on skype.

- She is such a little artist. She used to be very creative by using her poop to make pictures on the walls, or my entire bottle of moisturizer to paint the mirror, but as much as I loved these "pictures" I decided to get her some art supplies anyway. I bought her a nice easel made for children with a side for painting and a side with a chalk board and she LOVES it. She has so much fun painting and drawing on it. And hopefully it will fulfill her need and she will no longer use anything BUT paint.

Laneah is really into princesses right now. She has watched The Princess and The Frog multiple times since it came out. She also has lots of princess jewelry, books and toys and is always asking what the princesses names are.

We love our little fireball and can't wait for more adventures!


Nana said...

How I miss my Laneah! She is soooo beautiful! All the pictures are great.I'm so thankful you make the time to keep your blog updated!Laneah is a princess in my eyes. Give her kisses from Nana!

KennedyRose said...

I think most two year old girls go through that "Dora" phase. Kyla did last year at her birthday. At the last minute she wanted everything Dora. On the potty training, we all struggle with relapses. Kyla does pretty good but still has accidents. She will be three pretty soon. She also wears pull ups to bed. I think for me I just had to stick with it and not give in. When she has accidents, she needs to help herself. I make her do the obvious work. changing her clothes, getting new ones and getting dressed herself. Because she has to do all the work, she has gotten better at just running to the potty. I do know a lot of struggle with relapses though. You are not alone!! BTW.. Your girls are gorgeous and Laneah is so spirited.What fun!

Christy and Jereme said...

Ha ha! "chill out" was funny, I remember when she said goof ball too!what a doll :)