Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve and Christmas

For Christmas Eve we went to Jason's grandma's house for dinner and presents with his mom's side of the family. It was really fun and Laneah had fun playing with her cousins.

I put Laneah in her pretty Christmas dress. She didn't want to take pictures, she was ready to go:)
Cousins Blake and Anthony
Playing peek-a-boo with Uncle Tony
I love her expression in this picture

Hugging TessaShe was so funny when it came time to open presents. The first present had a chocolate Santa in it and Laneah only wanted to eat the chocolate so I ended up opening all of her presents for her.
And then the next day....CHRISTMAS!!!
She was much more enthusiastic opening her presents on Christmas morning.

I like the beginning of this video because she says "presents" and dances excitedly

Opening her fairy tea set
This video is cute because it shows her little imagination at work.

One of her favorite gifts was a set of puzzles. She loves learning and we say the alphabet, count numbers and talk about shapes several times a day.
Wearing her new jewelry while watching daddy put together her new basketball hoop, her other favorite gift.

Then there were daddy kisses

And of course dancing!!! While wearing one of mommy's high heals and one dress up shoe and new outfit she got for Christmas:)

Merry Christmas everyone!


katie said...

Beautiful pix! Merry Christmas!

Heather said...

She looked like a little angel in her Christmas dress. I love her hair in a bun with the hairbows. Every year gets more exciting. This was the first year that Isabella "got it," and I'm already excited about next year :) I hope that you guys had a very Merry Christmas!

J, E, M & I said...

I love the kisses from Daddy cute!
Looks like a wonderful Christmas for you guys. :)

Anonymous said...

She is just so Beautiful! I can't get over it.