Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sweet Tooth

Laneah always comes into Jason and I's bedroom in the morning when she wakes up. This is our conversation when she came in the room this morning:

Laneah: ""

Me:"What would you like to eat for breakfast?"

Laneah: "Cookies"

Me:"We can't have cookies for breakfast. What else would you like?"

Laneah: "Cream" (Ice Cream)

Me: (laughing) "How about pancakes?"

Laneah: "Sure"


Caroline said...

I let my son have icecream the other day for breakfast. I was feeling super nice-it was my birthday. :)

Heather said...

She's so agreeable :) Wouldn't we all love to eat cookies and ice cream for breakfast???

Al said...

sounds like my niece :)

Cam said...

Tell her she can have ice cream for breakfast next month. The first saturday of every February is Ice Cream for Breakfast Day.