Friday, December 11, 2009

Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

While we were at Homestead Gardens on Saturday, we picked out a beautiful Christmas Tree to take home. It was really cool because as soon as we bought the tree, it started snowing big fluffy snowflakes. My mom said "It is like you guys decided it was time for Christmas, and the universe agreed!"
When we got home, Laneah took a nap while we figured out where to put the Christmas tree and got it all set up and put the lights on. When she woke up, we turned the lights on and she was so excited. She kept saying "wow, cool!" Then we put on some holiday music and started decorating the tree. I was really worried about Laneah with the ornaments because she loves balls, but she has been pretty good so far with them. Laneah was in a festive mood too because she put on her reindeer headband and kept it on for most of the day:)
Laneah didn't help decorate too much, but she did have fun dancing to the music.

Bring on the Mistletoe!
After we finished decorating the tree, she realized it was still snowing outside and wanted to go out and play in it. We put on her snowsuit and she looked like a cute giant purple marshmallow.
She had a lot of fun running around, but she didn't really like picking up the snow because it was cold on her hands and she wouldn't keep her gloves on.

It was a perfect day to get in the Christmas spirit!


Al said...

i love the snowsuit. it's adorable