Sunday, December 7, 2014

School Halloween Parties

Halloween was a Saturday this year, so the kids had their school parties Friday the 30th. We went to Brooklyn's party first. 
Her preschool class:
Sawyer sleeping in his cute pumpkin hat. 
Brooklyn showed me the spider she made. 
The kids played lots of cute games and had spooky snacks. 

As soon as preschool ended we went straight to Laneah's school for their costume parade led by their Principal. 

After the parade, my mom took Sawyer and Brooklyn home and I went to help with Laneah's class party. They had snacks and a dance party. 

While I was there I noticed Laneah had lots of pictures above her teacher's desk. 
And I got to see a lot of her work around the room. 
It was a fun party day:)