Friday, December 26, 2014


November was great. Jason and I had our free Aruba trip and my mom stayed for a few days after so I was able to spend some time with her. The girls had a few birthday parties to go to. They loved this one for their friend Maddie at Pigtails and Crewcuts. It was a rockstar party and they got to do karaoke, dress up, and get the hair and nails done. 

 We went and saw the new Disney movie Big Hero 6 in the theatre. We all loved it. 
 Chick Fil-A got in their Peppermint Chocolate Chip Milkshakes. Swoon! 
 We did our annual Thanksgiving Baskets for church and collected, donated and delivered food to over 100 local families.
 This year I invited Laneah's girl scout troop to come. 

 We had our first snow the day before Thanksgiving. Laneah was happy. I was happy that it melted within a few hours;)
 Thanksgiving was great. My brother Alex flew in from Dallas and my sister and her family came too. It was the first Thanksgiving I had at my house. I loved being able to plan out the menu and cook everything. 

We were all excited for Christmas. The day after Thanksgiving we went and got our tree and decorated it. We also made gingerbread men. 

The tree with just the lights up.

 Alex and I took the girls to see Penguins is 3D and then after we went to the tree lighting ceremony at Waugh Chapel. They have a really big tree and Santa comes to light it. First they have carolers and hot chocolate and cookies. 

 The tree before it was lit.
Santa came on a firetruck to light the tree.
 All lit up. It was cold, but the hot chocolate warmed us right up. 

 And that was our November:)