Friday, December 5, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

 On October 10th Brooklyn had her first field trip. It was to a pumpkin patch called Papa Johns Farm. It was a chilly day but we were lucky because the rain held off.  Our tour guide was amazing. She was great with the kids. First she showed the kids different types of pumpkin and gourds and told them what the different names were. 

 They had a bunch of painted pumpkins on display with popular characters from tv shows and movies. 

 We went around the farm and learned about the different plants and vegetables they grow there. 
 Brooklyn and Avie feeling the cotton. 

 Then we got to see the animals.

 They had two sweet baby cows. 
 All the littles

 We took a hayride. 

 Time to pick a pumpkin!
 My sweet little girl.

 Laneah was at school and Kathy was able to watch Sawyer so I could spend special time with Brooklyn. 

After the field trip we went to lunch with some of our friends at Chick Fil-A.

The pumpkin patch is always lots of fun.