Sunday, December 7, 2014


Halloween was fun. My sister came to visit with my nephew and my mom was already here visiting. 

I emptied out a pumpkin and decorated a space to take pictures of Sawyer. He looked so cute!


Benjamin was Toothless from the movie How to Train Your Dragon. It was funny because he loved rubbing Sawyer's head. 
It was pretty cold and rainy so Jason stayed home with Sawyer and my mom, Christy and I took Benjamin and the girls out trick or treating. 
Benjamin's first time trick or treating!

This looks sweet, but really Brooklyn was trying to put her arm around Laneah and Laneah was yanking it off. Oh, sisters. 

Pirate friends. 
My little man's first Halloween. 

The girls had matching glow in the dark skeleton pjs too. 
My skeleton crew

We love Halloween here.