Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dance Recital

On June 27th, the girls had their dance recital. You aren't allowed to take pictures or videos (the 2 pics below are from dress rehearsal), but I did order the DVD, which I still haven't gotten. grr...

The girls loved getting dressed up and ready to go. Laneah was a little nervous but they were both naturals on stage. 

Their aunts, cousins, grandma and nana were all there to watch and show them support. The dances were beyond cute. Jason and I got flower bouquets for them after their performance. 

I love that Laneah lost another tooth just a few days before the recital. 
The girls got goody bags after the show and a cupcake. Brooklyn devoured hers. If you zoom in, she has crazy eyes. This girl is serious about her sweets!;) 

It was so much fun and I'm glad the girls are continuing to do dance again. 


Nana said...

It was great to be there! The girls both did were great! It was wonderful that Christy and Benjamin were there too!