Sunday, September 14, 2014


The first week of July, Jason and I had a break from the girls. Kathy and I worked on the nursery for a few days and then Jason and I went to Mrytle Beach with his dad and step mom. It was so great to be on the beach and be able to lay out, read a book and just relax. I only took one picture, can you believe it?! 
We were there for the 4th and it was cool watching the fireworks on the beach. We had to leave super early on Saturday so that we could get back in time for my flight to St Louis. The girls and I got back from St Louis on the 12th and Laneah had her American Girl Broadway Dance camp the following week. She loved it and tried ballet there and wants to do more ballet in the fall. At the end of camp they had a little mini dance recital and Brooklyn, Megan, Anthony and I went to watch. 

We went to a science/magic show at the library and one of the tricks was getting spoons to stick to you. Brooklyn thought it was the best and practiced at home until she could do it like a pro. She does it all the time now. 
I worked a few times and when I work at weddings I always bring home lots of beautiful flowers. 
My friend Lea called me one night and asked me if I wanted to go to a Justin Timberlake concert for free. Umm...heck yeah! It was a great concert. I love spontaneous things like that. Our seats were amazing and he is a really good performer. 

We went to with Amanda and her kids to Sandy Point Beach. There weren't any jellyfish this time which was great and the kids splashed and swam and played in the sand to their hearts content. 

Jen and Blake invited us to Six Flags. It might have been the hottest day of the summer. But that worked out because we spent most of the time at the water park. For the first part of the day I took my girls and Kenny's youngest girl to the kids section where they could ride everything. And then we met up at the water park. 

Dance party with Tweetie Bird. 

The girls both loved Six Flags and have been dying to go back. Maybe we'll have to get season passes next summer. 

We had our adoption fundraiser yard sale. It was a lot of work, but we raised over $1000 so it was well worth it. 

My sister came for a surprise visit and it was so nice to see her and my sweet nephew. 
We finally squeezed Watkins Park in. We went with lots of friends so it was extra fun.

And since it's already mid September, I know I'm forgetting things, but I think I got the best things:)


Nana said...

I need to send you some pictures of the girls with dad and I on the 4th of July.