Tuesday, June 3, 2014


April was still pretty cold, especially the beginning. 

Have you ever had toasted coconut ice cream from Kilwins? If not, add it to your to do list. Best ice cream ever, hands down!
We watched general conference and I did a lot of prep work for the kiddos this year because not only did I want to listen as much as possible, but I wanted the girls to listen as well. I made a bag for the prophet and the 12 apostles. Each bag either had a treat or an activity to do during the talk. We also played bingo. It worked pretty well, and we ended watching 3 of the 4 sessions. 
The eternal winter ended and spring came to the rescue. Spring is so beautiful here with the cherry blossoms and other flower trees. It is so colorful with white, yellow, purple, pink and red everywhere. We started walking the parkway again and taking in all the wonders of spring. 

My parents bought me a kitchen aid and I love it. It looks kinda red in the picture, but it is watermelon pink and goes great with my light green kitchen. 
We saw the Easter bunny. It was spontaneous so the girls weren't dressed up, but when they saw him at the mall, they just had to go meet him.
Me and my sweet pea Brooklyn. 
And we got our Magic Bands for Disney!!
April flew by, and for that fact May too, since it is June and I'm still blogging about April;) 


Nana said...

So nice that you can get out and enjoy springtime!