Friday, June 20, 2014

Laneah at 6 1/2

Laneah Marie at 6 1/2:

Laneah's best friend Ezra broke her leg and Laneah was so supportive. She pushed her wheelchair, stayed with her when she couldn't do certain things like play at the park instead of leaving her by herself. They even made up a best friend chant and hand clap. 
At school they give out kindness coins when they see the kids going above and beyond in being a good friend or classmate and it always makes my heart warm when Laneah brings one home. 
She says "headick" instead of headache.

Every Sunday either right before primary or during primary she mysteriously(wink, wink) develops a "headick" or sore throat. 

One night during family scripture study, we were reading about the brass plates and Laneah asked "how come they never eat from the brass plates?"

Laneah likes to pretend to be a ninja. She dresses in all black and works on her sneaking and spying skills. 

She has lost 4 teeth so far. the 2 front top and the 2 front bottom. 
The other day she asked "When we go to Hawaii again, can we go to 'Meowi' (Maui)?"

Last time I made snicker doodle cookies Laneah asked me if she could have a cookie doodle. 

Her project from The Rainbow Fish
Laneah enjoys being silly. 
She still loves to draw. 
She was very proud when she got writer of the week at school. She completed kindergarten and did very well.
She is so pretty. She had to wear make up for her dance photos. I just put lipgloss, mascara and blush and she looks like a little model. I think daddy needs to invest in a shotgun to keep the boys away in a few years. 
She loves her hip hop class. She can express her divaness and attitude freely there;)

Laneah does not let me dress her. She chooses her own clothes and most of the time they clash horribly. She definitely has her own style and opinion. 
Aside from drawing, dancing is her favorite thing to do. She loves making up dances and putting on shows for the family. 
Laneah is fierce and independent. She has a big temper but also a big heart. Always my sugar and spice and I love her fiercely back.