Sunday, November 10, 2013

Wedding Prep

Wedding day!! Drew got some pearls stuck to him while helping assemble the centerpieces. 
I got the girls ready for the big event. They made such beautiful flower girls!

My mom and I planned out and made the centerpieces so we went up to the hotel early to put them on the tables and help out with anything else that needed to be done. 

Laneah wanted to pose. 

Norma wanted a candy bar and ordered a bunch of different candies. She ordered these personalized M&Ms that I think turned out cute. 

After getting the centerpieces ready we went to check on Norma in her bridal suite. At this point the wedding had been switched to inside as the rain just kept coming. Norma was disappointed but still excited about getting married.  

My mom, Laneah and I went to get a snack and meet up with everyone. 

Grandma Dixon and I.

Everyone was finishing up getting ready with last minute touches and then there was a surprise!!!


Nana said...

You did such a great job with all these pictures!It was a time I shall always treasure! I love you Rachel, and all of your sweet family! Jason works so hard to take good care of all his beautiful girls. You are kind and giving and I'm so proud of you and all you do.

Nana said...

I forgot to say what a great blessing it was to have Grandma Dixon there!!! It was great to see Rita and Cordell and have them there also!! I'm so glad they came!