Sunday, November 10, 2013

Destin Day 8

Saturday the storm came:( It was supposed to be our last beach day so we were disappointed. 
We decided to go to Gator Beach. It is a restaurant/touristy place that has gators outside in the back.  
Albino alligator named Pearl. 

They didn't do the show because of the rain, but the girls were still able to feed the gators. 

Laneah took a picture with a gator named Cupcake. I was very proud of her for being so brave. 
After lunch we went to the wedding rehearsal since the girls were flower girls. The wedding was at the Hilton in Destin, a gorgeous place. When the rehearsal finished we went to the rehearsal dinner at this Irish Pub. Laneah thought it was so cool that her kids drink came with a green and red cherry. 

Christy and Jereme
Alex and Drew

Jake and Norma
The guys showing off their groomsman gifts. 
It was a fun night and we were all excited for the wedding the next day but worried about the weather, since it was supposed to be an outdoor beach wedding and it the storm was determined to stick around.