Saturday, November 9, 2013

Destin Day 3

A storm came in on Sunday night and even though it was pretty clear Monday, there was a lot of debris and the water was rough. The dangerous current and jellyfish sign came out and stayed pretty much the rest of the week. We went to the condo pool in the morning and then back on Jake's boat in the afternoon. Jake bought a tube and wanted to test it out. We went to Crab island, which is a sandbar only accessible by boat, but the water was pretty mucky and high from the storm so we didn't stay there long.

We all took turns on the tube. Laneah loved the speed of the boat.

Brooklyn didn't try the tube but was all over the boat checking everything out.
We stopped at a beach for a little while and raced some hermit crabs.

Laneah was so funny on the tube. The signal for going faster was thumbs up, and slower was thumbs down. She was up and down the whole time. We were cracking up.

Brooklyn was looking in the water with my dad and just passed out. She is like Jason, she can fall asleep anywhere, doing anything.


Nana said...

Great pictures! I love the pic of Papa with Brooklyn!