Saturday, November 9, 2013

Destin Day 2

Day 2 was my favorite day in Destin (aside from the wedding). We went to the beach in the morning and the weather was gorgeous. The ocean was clear and calm, but with enough waves to play. Perfect beach day. 

This was the view from my chair. 

Brooklyn liked the water, but she liked playing in the sand too. Laneah was in the water the whole time. She brought her googles and was underwater looking for fish. She is becoming a very good swimmer. 

After the beach, we went to my brother's house for a ride on his new boat and a BBQ. His house has a boat dock and he just bought this awesome boat a few months ago. 

First mate
Second first mate;)

The girls were fascinated. 

The BBQ was yummy. We opened the french doors and some of us ate inside, and some outside. It was an awesome day. 


Nana said...

Looking at these pictures makes me wish we all lived in Destin!Then we could get together and do fun stuff all the time.