Saturday, November 30, 2013

Montpelier Farms

On October 12th, we went to another festival. It has giant slides and a huge corn maze with a different theme each year. This years theme was deep sea and it had 4 sections you can see in the picture below; whale, turtle, octopus and shark. 
Laneah led the way. We were given a flag and a paper that could be decoded using a 3D station that gave you clues throughout the maze. Good thing Jason can read maps so well, I probably would have been lost in there for hours;)

Laneah was funny, she kept getting so excited over corn she would find on the ground. 
 The slides were a big hit, we spent a good 15 minutes there and there was no line, so they got their fill. 
 Even Jason took a turn after Brooklyn asked him to go with her and then took off by herself, lol. 

We took a break for a snack or pretzel dogs, donuts and apple cider slushies. The slushy was delicious.

 They have a giant section called the kids corral, with a playground, moon bounce, tractor karts, and more. The girls liked these horse swings more than the moon bounce. 

There was a lasso station there and the girls tried their best. 

Laneah went so fast on the tractor kart I couldn't get a great picture. 
 The girls painted their own pumpkins. 

 There was a large pumpkin patch on the farm so we decided to go ahead and get out pumpkins while we were there. They had a pumpkin nursery where you could save your pumpkins after you bought them, with bassinets and all.

 Since it is a farm, there were lots of animals to pet and feed. 

 And they had the famous cow ride. It is nice that both the girls can ride by themselves now. 

 Laneah making a Frankenstein face. 
 We are actually in a giant pumpkin in this picture, but strangers don't always make the best photographers. At least the girls are smiling:)
 Laneah winning the duck race. 

 The hayride was our last activity. 

It was a fun family day. 


Margie said...

Your blog is so adorable! I love reading it. The girls are getting so big. Such a beautiful family! Love you!

Nana said...

Love you!