Sunday, November 10, 2013

Destin Days 6 & 7

Laneah and Drew practicing their handstands. 

Friday was girls day. My grandma, who is 94, flew down from Montana with my Aunt Rita and Uncle Cordell for the wedding. I hadn't seen her since Laneah was born and it was so wonderful to see her again. My mom, sister, grandma, aunt and I went to Norma's bridal shower at the Crab Island Cantina. 

We hung out, met Norma's mother and sister, played games and opened presents. A nice easy going shower on the deck right next to the ocean. 

My mom, Norma, Norma's mom. 
Norma's sister, Norma, me and my sister. 
After the shower we went shopping at the outlets for a little while. When we got home my cousin Thomas and his family, who live a couple hours away from Destin in Mississippi drove up to visit with us. They have 2 girls close in age to Laneah and Brooklyn and they had lots of fun playing together. The 4 girls put on a concert and a dance show for us and then we went to the beach when it was dark to play since a huge storm was coming in to try and ruin the wedding weekend. 


Nana said...

So much fun!