Monday, July 18, 2011

South Carolina Day 2: Charleston and Magnolia Plantation

We started off day 2 in downtown Charleston. We met up with my cousins and their kids and went on a historic carriage ride through downtown. It was really hot, and Brooklyn was not happy. My dad got off with her to try and get her to go to sleep, but eventually Jason had to get off too and he was finally able to get her to go to sleep. My mom, Laneah and I stayed on with everyone else.
 A beautiful old house.
 The old city jail. It was the city's only jail until the 1920s and it had no plumbing or electricity. 
 After the ride, they let us pet the horse.
 We were supposed to eat lunch with everyone, but Brooklyn was not happy outside and we couldn't get into a restaurant for a couple hours so we parted ways with our cousins, but not before we went to a sweet shop. My parents got some fudge for my brother for his birthday, but I fell in love with the pralines. Oh my gosh!!! They were amazing. We loaded up at the candy shop and then grabbed a quick bite of a real lunch before heading out to The Magnolia Plantation. 
We went on a boat ride through the Ashley river which was neat. By this time, the clouds rolled in and combined with the breeze from the water,  it was so much cooler. We saw alligators and birds and both the girls enjoyed this ride.
 They had a petting zoo with all kinds of animals, even these deer. We got to feed them and pet them and later, they came out of their pens and walked around with us. (They have an area they can rest in that people aren't allowed in, but the deer can come out because the whole petting zoo is enclosed)
 There were lots of animals, but Laneah's favorite spot was the reptile room. I think it is because she likes being scared. Brooklyn had to get on her tippy toes to see in the glass.
 Laneah walking with the deer.
 My mom, Jason and I went on a tour of the house while my dad stayed with the girls in the petting zoo. The house was beautiful, but like most historical homes, you weren't allowed to take pictures inside. After the house tour, my mom and Jason took the girls back to my aunts. My dad and I wanted to stay and see the gardens. They had this old boat that used to transport cotton up the Ashley River.
 Some pretty scenic and flower pictures.
 We saw lots of alligators in the ponds and rivers throughout the property.
It was a long, but fun day. I really enjoyed the plantation and wish we'd had more time in downtown Charleston, but since it was such a short trip, we didn't have a lot of time.


Nana said...

It was so great to spend time with you, and Jason and the girls!!! I love you all so much!

K+C=M+K said...

What great pictures of your trip! You guys have the most fun ever! I LOVE your new hair cut! And you're SO skinny!!! Gosh girl, you got it going on! :)