Thursday, July 28, 2011

Laneah at 3 years, 7 months

*Laneah is ready for preschool. She is showing an eagerness to learn how to read and write and she loves social interaction. 

*She likes to get a flashlight, turn off the lights and tell ghost stories. She gets pretty creative and some of the stories are really quite good for her age.
*Laneah is a natural at riding a bike and a scooter. It is amazing how well she can maneuver the bike and pedal. I honestly think if we took the training wheels off, she would be fine.

*Some of her funny words/sayings are "ink" for sink(as in I'm going to sink in the water), "short cut" instead of hair cut, and "basketedaball" for basketball.

*She loves being in the garden. She always wants to check on the flowers and make sure they are doing ok. 

*She has Fresh Beat Band mania. It is pretty much the only thing she wants to watch. Her favorite character is Marina, and she always pretends she is Marina. She seriously gets mad at me if I don't call her Marina. Lucky me, I get to be the character Keiki, lol. 

*She is also obsessed with smoothies. This is another Fresh Beat Band thing; they get smoothies in every episode. The kind I make is low in sugar so I don't mind this new obsession. 

*Laneah wants curly hair. Brooklyn has it, her neighbor friend has it and Marina from the Fresh Beat Band has it. So she wants it too. After her bath last night I put soft foam curlers in wet hair and had her sleep in them. Her hair was beautiful and curly today. She was very happy, so I might be putting curlers in after every bath for a while.

*She is not good sleeper. She gets up at least once a night. She has to fall asleep with the window curtains open, the door open, the closet door shut(so the monsters can't get in), with a flashlight, lots of animals and the hallway light on....its insane, but thats how she does it.

*She loves being outside, but does not like hot weather so she will ask to go to the park but only wants to stay for 5 minutes because she gets to hot. It has been an extremely hot summer.
*She loves spending time with her cousins, Anthony and Blake. She is at an age now that they usually all play really well together.
Laneah is a handful, but she is also sweet, kind and caring. She is smart, as well as beautiful and we love her very much.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Brooklyn at 18 months

Our little Brooklyn (aka BrookeBrooke, Brooke-a-look-a-lyn, or Brookie Boo) is now a year and a half. Time is going fast, but she is still so tiny, so it makes the transition easier. Here is what this munchkin has been up to:
*Brooklyn decided that she will only eat with a fork. If there isn't a fork with her food, she won't eat it. She does really well with the fork (better than Laneah, who still tries to eat everything with her hands) and is proud of her accomplishment.

*She is finally down to one nap a day. I was beginning to think that the day would never come. It makes planning things so much easier.
*She is saying a few new words: done, drink, eyes and hi. But she still prefers to communicate in her own way. She hardly ever uses words, even the ones that she knows. For example, she said "hi" for the first time 3 weeks ago, and has only said it twice since. She would rather just wave. 

*Brooklyn's feet finally grew to match her long legs. She went from a small 3 to a full 4 this month. If her feet grow even the slightest I will have to get size 5 for her. 

*She is a very social girl. She loves people and wants people to notice her and think she is cute. If you aren't paying attention to her, she will come up to you and pat you until you look at her. She will do this to complete strangers too, but only if I am holding her or very close by. 

*Oh the squealing! This is one thing I can't wait to end. She still does it, and is encouraged by Laneah. They have contests which is pretty funny for the first minute and then your ears can't take anymore.

*She loves animals but is very cautious with them. If they get too close she gets scared.

*When we were at the pool, I was putting her on the edge of the pool and taking her hands and saying "1,2,3" and then pick her up and dunk her halfway into the water. She loved it and even though she didn't say "1,2,3" She said "da,da,da" in the same inflection as me and then she did one of the funniest things that I think toddlers do: she toddler jumped. She would bend halfway down, and then shoot straight up, thinking that she jumped, but she didn't actually get off the ground. So so so cute!
*We have been working on naming body parts and she loves pointing out eyes, mouth, nose. But especially the eyes and she will say "eyes" as well.

*She loves to sniff/smell and blow her nose. She is crazy about smelling my scentsy bars. If she see one she seriously freaks out until I open it and let her smell. This video show her sniffing, it is so funny.
*Brooklyn is in the "mine" phase. She gets very upset when anyone has one of her blankets, toys or even something that she wants.

*She loves to cuddle and watch movies. Her favorite movie is Tangled and she cracks up every time Flynn gets hit with the frying pan. 
*She doesn't like to have her diaper changed and likes to be bare bummed. She is noticing when she goes pee and poop and will come up to me and grab her diaper to let me know she is going, or has gone and needs a new diaper. Maybe she will be easy to potty train when the time comes. (crossing my fingers:)
*She still loves peek-a-boo and is so cute with it because she will cover her own face or she will bend down and hide and then pop up. I love it.

*Brooklyn loves her mommy and daddy 50/50. She has no preference, but she does really love her dad and Jason can't get enough. He spoils her to no end. Laneah is 100% mommy. Jason can't get hugs, kisses, read to her or play with her without lots of persuasion. So when Brooklyn showed him lots of love, he was instantly wrapped around her little finger. They are really cute together. He is smitten.
*Now when I get the camera out and say "smile" she really hams it up and gives me this cheesy smile:
*She wants to be outside all the time. She will grab her shoes, bring them to me, and then point to the door. The park is one of her favorite places and when she discovered the tire swing, she wouldn't get off. 

*She is getting 4 teeth in right now, the painful I(or is it eye?)  teeth, so she has been pretty cranky for her. But once they are all through, she will have all her teeth but her 2 year molars.

*Brooklyn is a girly-girl. She loves dresses, the more fancy, the better. She wants all the accessories and has to carry a purse everywhere. These pictures crack me up. She looks like a miniature teenager texting and talking on the phone. Sorry, I know it is an overload, but they are all so cute, I wanted them all up.
Lots and lots of pictures, I know, but she is so cute, I just can't get enough. She is so sweet and easy going. She is a great little toddler and we love her so much.

Monday, July 18, 2011

South Carolina Day 4: Sprinkler Park and Fourth of July BBQ

Day four found us at the sprinkler park. When we got there it wasn't too crowded and the girls had a lot of fun, but by noon, the place was packed. I love this action shot of Laneah: pure joy.
 Even little Brooklyn enjoyed this sprinkler park.

 Daddy helped Brooklyn "surf" of Laneah's kick board. 
 After the sprinkler park we got cleaned up and ready to go to the 4th of July BBQ. Brooklyn looking adorable in her outfit and cute pigtails.
 Brooklyn was thrilled to ride Laneah's scooter.

 Nana and Laneah.
 Laneah playing with Arianna.
 Laneah on the trampoline. She loved it of course. I wish we had room for one in our tiny little backyard.
 After dinner all the kids wanted to ride bikes and scooters.
 Then it was time for fireworks. Laneah was a little hesitant about holding the sparkler, but overall loved the fireworks.
 Brooklyn was a little scared. She didn't cry, but stayed very close and was clingy. She didn't like the loud noises. The only thing she liked was the snakes. She wouldn't let go of my hand, but she did want down for a closer look.
Our last night together:(
 It was our last day and it was such a good trip. My parents left early in the morning before we got up and we headed for home around 10. It was a long drive with the girls, but it was worth it. It was great to see my parents, aunt and cousins and their cute kids. Laneah is still talking about her "other" cousins. Fun, fun, fun!

South Carolina Day 3: Folly Beach, Fort Sumter and Jason's 30th Birthday

On day 3, Jason, Laneah and I went to Folly beach. (Brooklyn stayed with my parents so she could relax and take a morning nap. 
 The beach had lots of seashells so Laneah and I collected some.
 Laneah wanted to make "sand angels" and then proceeded to stick her head in the sand and rub it around. Seriously.
 After a good cleaning in the ocean, she laid down and took a little nap. 
 After the nap we stayed a little longer to play.

 Then we went to lunch and met up with my parents and a few of my cousins for an excursion to Fort Sumter. You have to take a ferry, which was fun. We even saw some dolphins on the way.

 My beautiful cousin Jenny and her husband Misi.

 Brooklyn kept tackling Laneah and they were laughing and squealing so loud. 
 At Fort Sumnter. It was a cool fort, but not very well preserved.

 This was the original flag of the South Carolina militia that flew over Fort Sumter.
 A view of the fort from the ferry.
 After the ferry ride we went back to my aunts house to celebrate Jason's birthday. Me with my gorgeous cousins.
 Jason's 30!!!!!
 Brooklyn trying to get more cake.
 All the girl "cousins".
Jason was happy with his birthday, but we were sure tired when the day was over:)