Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hawaii- Oahu Day 3

We started out day three with a sunrise hike to see a lighthouse. The sunrise was beautiful.

 My parents celebrating on making it to the top.

After lunch we had family pictures(just our family of four) at Waiamanolo beach. The photographer was Billy Lee and he was great. We all had fun just playing on the beach and taking natural pictures. It was really windy so I was pleased they turned out so well.

For dinner we went into Waikiki and ate at Dukes, my all time favorite restaurant in Hawaii. We ate on the patio right on the beach. 

For dessert of yummy hula pie.
It was a great day:)


Kandice said...

How amazing! Love the family pictures.

Jen & Johnny said...

Oh my......You are absolutely BEAUTIFUL Rachel!! And Jason is so handsome!! And your girls are angels!! I LOVE their smiles! Those pictures are amazing!! Loved every one of them!! I love your dress too!! What a Great color!! We miss you guys!! XOXOXOXOXOXXOO

Heather said...

These turned out GORGEOUS! That color is absolutely divine on you. I loved every picture. Oh how I miss Duke's...and the hula pie. My favorite restaurant as well.