Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hawaii-Oahu Day 2

On our second day on Oahu we ventured over to the West Side. We wanted to do a Dolphin Catamaran, but it didn't work out. Instead we went to Ko Olina Resort and beach. We went to the harbor first to see the Black Pearl ship from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. 

After we saw the ship, we headed to the beach. Brooklyn really threw a fit this time. It was quite comical. 

 She was only happy sitting on me, reaching into the cooler for snacks and ice. She would take an ice cube, suck on it and then drop it on my stomach. Real fun. She ended up falling asleep crying and Jason and I took turns sitting in the car with her so she could sleep in air condition. 

 Laneah didn't want to leave the beach, but after four hours we were all ready to go. She had so much fun with her Uncle Alex. 

 We had to drop my brother off back in Laie and on the way we saw a beautiful double rainbow. 
 We also stopped at the Dole Plantation and got some yummy pineapple ice cream, which was a perfect way to end the day.

Both of the girls fell asleep on the way back again because it was such a busy day.


Jen & Johnny said...

Look at you HOT MAMA!!! You look so amazing!!! XOXOXO :)

Heather said...

They never cooperate for a family pic, do they? :) You look amazing...totally rocking that bikini! And Alex...wow he's handsome! You can tell how close of a bond he has w/ Laneah--so sweet.