Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Festivities

Our Halloween Festivities kicked off on Wednesday with a special Halloween Music Makers. After a nap for Brooklyn, we met our friends at the mall for Trick-or-Treating. It was really fun and the girls all liked it.
On the way home from the mall, both the girls fell asleep and were not happy to be woken up an hour later for Trunk-or-Treat at the church. It was a nightmare getting them there and we were late, but once we went outside and started getting candy from the different cars, Laneah perked right up.
Laneah, Brooklyn with cousins Anthony and Blake
On Saturday we participated in the annual Halloween parade. We watched the parade go by and then all the kids in their costumes get to follow behind the parade and at the end they had all kinds of games, food, stories, etc. But Laneah's favorite part was seeing Elmo.

 She wouldn't wear her headband for the parade so we put it on her kitty.

Brooklyn on Halloween morning.
 My super heroes: Wonder Woman and Bat Girl

On Sunday, we went to Blake's birthday party and ate some yummy pizza and then went Trick-or-Treating. We went at 5 because we wanted it to be light outside and Brooklyn has an upper respiratory infection so we wanted to go before it got cold. 
Laneah insisted that she carry her own bag, and once she got tired, she put it around her neck:)
 Wonder Woman meets Superman. He must have liked her because he gave her half their candy bowl:)

 She liked this giant spider.
 Brooklyn was tired so we didn't stay out very long.
 Trick-or-Treating at Grandma's house.
 The girl's loved seeing the different dogs in the neighborhood all dressed up for Halloween too.
 We were home early so we got to pass out candy and this was actually Laneah's favorite part. She would get so excited when someone knocked on the door. She would yell "the kids are here!" and hurry over to pass out candy. She even gave away a bunch of candy from her own basket. She would tell the kids "I wombur wumun" (wonder woman), or "I two". It was so cute watching her pass out candy. The girls were great super heroes.


Kandice said...

Love the pink batman. Looks like you guys definitely had a fun Halloween.

Nana said...

They are so so cute!!! I sure wish I could have been there! Laneah looks like she was having a great time! Brooklyn is so adorable in her bat girl costume!I miss them so much.You and Jason are amazing!

Heather said...

Their costumes were darling! I love the picture of Laneah meeting Superman. Oh, and the one of her arm in the air. Halloween is so much more fun now that the girls are at an age where they can really participate.

Al said...

this seemed like a very fun weekend!! i wish i could have been there in my ninja turtle costume to go trick or treating with them :D

Cam said...

Your little super heroes are so cute! I wish I could rock that Wonder Woman costume as well as Laneah does. :)