Sunday, November 28, 2010

El Coronado Island

We went to El Coronado Island one day to check out the gorgeous hotel out there and to go to the beach. As soon as we got to the beach Laneah ran right to the water and jumped around running and squealing It was too cold to swim, but Laneah didn't mind the getting in the water a splashing around some in her clothes.

 And what is a trip to the beach if you can't eat any sand right? Little Brooklyn had fun crawling around in the sand and enjoying a few taste tests.

She really liked the feel of the sand between her toes.
I bought Laneah a kite while we were in San Diego and she flew it for the first time at the beach. She had the best time. She took it and ran all around laughing and giggling. Once she let go of it and I had to chase it down the beach. Each time I would bend to pick it up, the wind would blow it away again. So funny. Some nice person took pity on me and caught it when the kite blew in their direction, but we were all laughing really hard.
It was great just being on the beach with my girls
 And with Nana too!
 It wasn't your typical beach day, but fun all the same.


Nana said...

How wonderful it was to be there with everyone! The time went by way to fast! Kiss your sweet girls for me.

Jen & Johnny said...

What a wonderful day!! I love those amazing pictures on the beach!! I love them!!!!

Kandice said...

Holy cow that looks like so much fun! I want to go!! Love the pictures on the beach. Cute girls.