Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Brooklyn is 10 months!

My little baby is 10 months old! She has the sweetest disposition. She loves to smile and laugh. She has learned so much this month.
On 10/17 she pulled herself  to kneeling position

On 10/25 she pulled to standing position in her crib. I put her in her crib to get her bath ready and when I came back into the room she was standing up in her crib smiling from ear to ear.
On 10/28 she waved for the first time. She came home with daddy and when she walked through the door and saw me she smiled and waved. So cute! She waves all the time now.

She is a really good eater. She is starting to eat food with pieces and chunks too. When she is eating and is hungry she opens her mouth really wide for food, but when she is done (no warning mind you) she flings the spoon away and splatters food all over you.
 She is into everything now; wanting to explore all the things around her.

Brooklyn loves turning the light switches off and on. She also likes being lifted high and pulling the chains to the lights.

She likes forts and tunnels too.
She hardly ever does her cute little army crawl anymore, just crawls on her hands and knees now. She is also crawling up the steps! Yikes!

She still sucks her thumb, which is so cute. She sucks her thumb more often now too. 

Brooklyn loves to play games like peek-a-boo and she is very ticklish, especially on her thighs. 
Brooklyn has started dancing and it is the sweetest thing in the whole world. She cracks us up with her dancing moves. Her most used moves are rocking forward and waving her hands.

Brooklyn has started giving kisses and I love it! She gives big open-mouth kisses.

She has her lovies (stuffed animals) that she hugs and gives kisses to.
She loves to sing. Whenever Laneah sings she will start to sing along and they have little duets, most often in the car. It is adorable.

Brooklyn is adorable. I can't get enough of her loves and kisses. She loves to play on the ground with her toys and be independent, but always comes up to me for snuggles every few minutes. She is such a good baby and she is very much loved by everyone who knows her.


Nana said...

Brooklyn has got to be the best baby in the history of the world! She is so beautiful and has such an amazing smile, with those cute dimples! I just can't get enough of her! My arms feel so empty now. I love her so so much!

Heather said...

She is always smiling! What a cutie. The spoon trick--not so cute, but I guess she gets a pass because everything else is adorable.