Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bounce Around and Port Discovery

We have been on some really fun play dates lately. Last week we went to Bounce Around which is a place full of all kinds of inflatable things to play in. They had ones with basketball hoops which Laneah loved. It was funny because the hoops were way too high for the little ones to actually shoot and so Dallas and Laneah would hold the balls high over their heads and because they were looking up at the hoops they would run right into the bounce wall and then fall backwards laughing.
They had lots of things to climb and then slide down.
Cute Liam.
Laneah and Dallas kept tackling each other. Here Laneah tackled Dallas and was tickling him.
This past week we were invited to Port Discovery by my friend Maria. Port Discovery is a children's museum and we had a great time there. As soon as we parked, Chase grabbed Laneah's hand and started leading her to the museum.
As soon as you walk in, there is a huge climbing maze with tunnels and ropes and ladders that goes all the way up to the third floor.
Laneah was very interested in Curious George.
They had a fifties style diner that the girls loved. Here they are cooking a chicken:) They had tons of realistic looking food, cooking equipment, aprons and dishes. They had booths for the parents and a juke box.
Addy enjoying some cherry pie
Laneah really liked the Royal Farms store. They had a real car you could pretend to put gas in, but the pump itself was real too. You could go into the convenience store and they had fridges that you could get soda, lean cuisines and even pints of ice cream and then check out. All of it looked so real. They even had a little ATM.
But Laneah's favorite room was the water room. Here Chase and Laneah are making a huge bubble around themselves.
They provided rain jackets and crocs for the kids to wear in the water room.
They had tons of other fun rooms and things to do there. We will go there again soon and are looking forward to more fun play dates:)


Nana said...

I can't wait to go there with you!!It's wonderful that you do such fun things with Laneah and Brooklyn! You are a great Mom.

Heather said...

We love the children's museums. Both of my kids could spend hours there, and it makes me so happy to see them being so imaginative. Dallas and Laneah crack me up--they seriously love each other!

Christy and Jereme said...

That looks like an awesome place. Laneah looked like she had tons of fun.