Thursday, February 25, 2010

Brooklyn's Birth

We were thrilled when Brooklyn's birth mother said she wanted us at the hospital for the birth. It was an amazing experience to watch our baby being born. One I can never thank the birth mother enough for. Brooklyn was born on Saturday, January 16th, at 9:40 am. She weighed 7 lbs, 2 ozs and was 21 inches long. She had lots of dark hair, and two big dimples. She was very relaxed and didn't cry hardly at all. She was completely healthy and so precious.

Jason was able to cut the umbilical cord
Brooklyn's first exam
Then held by mommy and daddy
First bath
Laying peacefully after her bath
Later that night we brought Laneah to see her new little sister
Laneah first seeing Brooklyn. She was so excited.

Brooklyn hummed like this all day and night long.

Brooklyn in her first outfit.
As you know we didn't get to leave the hospital with her as planned, but a little over three weeks later we were able to go back to Arizona and pick her up. Holding her again was wonderful. We are so happy to have her be part of our family.


Heather said...

She was an absolutely beautiful newborn! I love her hair; you're going to have so much fun fixing it over the years.

Nana said...

I'm so glad she is home where she has lots of love!!! I can't wait to hold her!!!!!

RicknJanell said...

I'm glad that things worked out. She is a cutie! Congratulations!!

Al said...

one word...adorable :)