Saturday, February 20, 2010


When Jason and I left for Arizona to pick up Brooklyn, we left Laneah home because we didn't think we would be gone more than a few days. On the day we left, Laneah stayed with our good friends Kami and Derrick. Kami just did this adorable post of their sleepover adventure and I copied it so you all could see it.

Dal's first sleep-over

Yesterday, I watched one of my best friend's(Rachel Carter) little girl, Laneah. We watched her all night and then she had a sleep-over with Dallas and then we played for a while in the morning before Megan, Laneah's aunt came to get her for a day at her house.

Dallas and Laneah are really good friends, she is his BFF. He loves to play with her and was so excited when I told him she was coming over and that she was going to sleep over too. He said, "Ya, Neah sleep in my bed, it's so comfy for her."

The kids had lots of fun playing when she got here, they bundled up in blankets on the couch, and played with toys, watched a little "Dora", played with all Dal's stuffed animals on his bed, jumped on the mini trampoline, and Laneah tried on Scarlette's and Dallas' shoes.

After dinner we did bath time with all 3 cuties in the tub, it was a fun bubbly time. Then came bed. Scarlette went down like normal. Dal and Neah were both sleeping in Dal's room, we had the pack and play set up for Neah, but she didn't want to have anything to do with it, so we let her lay in Dal's bed. Then we left them to play themselves to sleep. About 15 min after Derrick left the room we heard Dal say, "Neah, it's not nakie time yet" so of course we went in to check it out and Laneah
had taken off her PJs and was running around in her diaper, and they were playing like crazy, not even a little bit tired. So we put Laneah's PJs back on and put them back in bed and left again.

After a little while longer we heard some loud noises and went back up to check on the kiddos and they were both running around completely buck naked!!! We couldn't believe it. We ended up pinning Laneah's jammies closed so she couldn't unzip them. Funny little kids we have. So after that escapade I stayed in the room for about 1 1/2 hours and sang to the kids and tried to get them to be quiet, but they kept wanting to play and not calming down, so after my best efforts, I had to defer to my better half. Derrick went up and in order to get them to calm down enough to sleep he had to put all the toys away, took the nightlight away, and told the kids if they didn't go to sleep they would be in this time it was 11:30!!!

After that, they did sleep through the night. They even slept in to 7:30. Then we had a fun breakfast time and of course more play time! We played and played until Megan came to get Laneah just before nap time, which was well needed all the kids were starting to feel it by then.

All the kids had a wonderful time and it was a very fun first sleep-over, Thanks for sharing your cute daughter with us Rach!