Saturday, February 6, 2010

Adventures in Potty Training

Laneah has been potty training for almost two weeks now and is doing excellent! She was ready and hardly has any accidents. She loves her Sesame Street sticker chart. Every time she goes pee or poop in her potty (which is so cute because it sings a song when she goes potty) she gets to put a sticker on her chart and then pick a snack. She loves running around in just her underwear and shoes. I can't keep clothes on her. Our heating bill is going to be crazy this month! Her little panties are so cute though:)


Kandice said...

Go Laneah!! That is great she is doing well. Potty training for us was NOT a fun adventure.

Anonymous said...

She's gonna love that picture when she gets older lol.

Al said...

sounds like a good system you have worked out! and i agree with christy's comment. lol