Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Sawyer at 3


"Hey bad guy! I'm Buzz Lightyear!"
Wants 5 stories at bedtime but no songs and rarely snuggles before bed
Lots of hugs, kisses and snuggles still
"I need you"
Likes things in order and the same
Potty training
Dress up
"mmhm" (yes)
"Probably", "sure", and "Hmm... I don know"
"Keep me safe"
"Mom, what should we do today?"
GPS (he likes to tell me when to turn left, etc. He also repeats everything the navigator says when I'm using it)
Catching imaginary butterflies (caught a purple one, caught an orange one)
"Look at the constructions" (when we pass road work)
Waits for me to get him out of his crib in the morning
Booming (he likes to hit in play, he calls it "booming"
"Check out ......"
37" tall 

He is very excited and tells everyone “I’m 2! I’m turning 3. I’m having a Blaze birthday”. Blaze and the Monster Machines is his favorite show. He is having a Blaze pool party because he loves to swim in the pool or the ocean. We’ve had two trips to the ocean this summer and he had so much fun playing in the waves and building sandcastles. He loves super heroes, especially Batman, and he kept calling the bigger waves “Batman waves”. 

He doesn’t nap anymore, but still sleeps well at night. He will be starting preschool in the Fall, which seems really early, but it’s because he has an August birthday. He knows how to spell his name. We made up a little song for his name and he loves to sing it. Sawyer is incredibly smart. He can count to 100, knows all his letters and how to sound them out, and can write pretty well too. 

Sawyer has a really fun imagination. He does not like to play by himself. He is all boy in play, wanting to play good guy/bad guy, police, super heroes, and wrestle. His favorite toy to play is Legos. Chocolate milk is his favorite drink. He is still a picky eater, but his favorite foods are pizza and waffles (plain). His favorite color is green. His favorite movie is Toy Story, and he likes all three of the Toy Story movies equally. He likes going to the library to play and pick out books. His favorite books are The Pout Pout Fish and Goodnight Moon. We have Six Flags passes and he loves going there. He doesn't like anything fast (he won't even go on the swings at a park), but he likes the train, and the slower rides, and of course the water park. 

Sawyer is so much fun and has a lot of energy. He likes to make up songs to sing or hum. He is very verbal and speaks well above his age. He enjoys making people laugh, and if he makes you laugh, he will do or say whatever made you laugh over and over to keep getting laughs. He still carries his puppy and moose around and his special blanket he still calls “cribib”.