Saturday, August 19, 2017

NYC- Waffles and dinges, Bryant Park and Staten Island Ferry

My sister in law, Makalia, and I took a little trip to NYC. I actually drove all the way into the city. Seriously down Times Square. I have to say I feel crazy proud about this๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘. We stopped at our hotel to drop off our bags and then ventured out. We had a game plan and that started with yummy waffles at Wafels and Dinges in Bryant Park. The parks in NYC are gorgeous and you are surrounded by amazing architecture. I love the vibe. 

 The fountain at Bryant Park

 After our brunch, we hopped the metro to the Staten Island Ferry. Neither of us had been before and we decided to see the Statue of Liberty that way since it was free. It was pretty crowded, but we were able to get on right away. 

 We lucked out with beautiful weather and stunning views of the city and the Statue of Liberty.

 Can't beat a free boat ride with great views. What a great start to NYC!