Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fall Festival

The first Saturday in October, we went to our annual Fall Festival. We've told so many people about it that we know about 1/3 of the people there;) This year our friends from PA drove down to spend the day with us. 

We got our first family of 5 picture. Not the best, lol 
Brooklyn requested a photo by herself. 
 Then it was time for fun and games. This year they had lots of game stations set up. As usual they had a band, prizes, moon bounces, smoothies, popcorn, lunch, balloons, and so much more. 
 Brooklyn and her friend Avie spent most of the time on the moon bounces. 
 She also played most of the games. 
 Laneah took on the rock climbing wall and did really well, especially since she was wearing ballet flats. 

 Pony rides are always fun. 

 Sawyer napped most of the time. 
 The kids got their faces painted. 

 Sawyer in his dino outfit. 
 After the festival, we went back to our house and hung out with our friends for a while and then went to dinner at Firehouse Subs. Issac's face paint left him with a sunburned look. It was so funny. 

 Emily and I (Laneah photo bombing) 
 All the silly kids. Laneah, Brooklyn, Issac, Kai and Micah. 
 We lucked out with good weather and great friends. It is always fun to catch up with old friends.


Al said...

I love that Laneah climbed the rock wall! What a dare-devil :)