Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Harpers Ferry and Winchester

While we were in Virginia we went to Winchester to see some historical sites. 
 One of the best was Stonewall Jackson's Headquarters. They had a lot of artifacts and it was a very informative. 

 We also visited Harper's Ferry, another site with many ties to the civil war. It is a beautiful area right on the water with great views of the mountains and a combination of an old time town and a modern town. 

 Brooklyn loved the room key to the hotel, she thought it was magic and carried it around the whole trip. 

 Laneah "rock climbing" 

 We stopped to get ice cream. Brooklyn wanted M&Ms in her ice cream but I didn't get them for her. She was upset so Papa bought some for her and this is the triumphant look she gave me after. 

We enjoyed seeing all the sites.