Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Egg Dying

We didn't get to dye easter eggs until a few days before Easter. We did two types, Hello Kitty eggs and volcano eggs. 

 The volcano eggs were fun. I made dye with baking soda, water, and food coloring and the girls painted their eggs. 
Then we placed the painted egg in a bowl of vinegar and watched as it bubbled up all around the egg and made the colors blend and become vibrant. 

 Andrew wanted in on the action. 
 And we had to stop to eat some of the boiled eggs. I tried the pinterest recipe of cooking the eggs in the oven. It worked pretty well. 

 We will probably do the volcano eggs again next year, that was really fun. 


Nana said...

I'm so glad Drew and Dad and I got to be there for the fun!