Friday, May 16, 2014

Hula Girls

Andrew brought the girls hula outfits from Hawaii. Naturally they wanted to put on a show.
 They danced to the song "Happy" and Brooklyn copied everything Laneah did.

 Taking a bow.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Easter Celebrations

The Easter bunny comes to our house on Saturday. He left the girls bubbles, puzzles, a pogo, activity cones, jump rope, and a few goodies. 

 The bunny also hid some eggs around the house for the girls to find. 

After the girls found all the eggs and got dressed, we headed to an Easter celebration. It was at a church in Annapolis,  and is completely free! When we got out of the car, there was another little girl with the same basket as Brooklyn and that made them instant bffs. 
 My cute girls. 
 We rode the ponies first. 

 Then we played some games and won some prizes. 

 Laneah was so determined to win a soda (since we never let the girls have soda) she played three times. 
 Brooklyn actually won on her first try, but she is a sweetheart and shared her orange soda with Laneah. 
 Brooklyn also won this kitty backpack and blanket. Laneah got some prizes as well. 
 Brooklyn got her face painted as a bunny.
 Laneah chose a rainbow flowery thing. 

 Then we had some hot dogs and got in line for the egg hunt. Brooklyn's age group went first. 

 Then Laneah's group. They just took off running. 

 We met up with some friends. 

 And got in one round of the moon bounce before it was time to head home. 
 Easter morning the girls showed off their new dresses from Nana. 

 After church I made my yummy homemade rolls and honey butter to take to dinner with Jason's family. 
Dinner was scrumptious and afterwards all the cousins and family kids did another egg hunt. 
Easter is always a special time for us. We have the resurrection eggs that tell the stories from the passover to Jesus' resurrection and try to show the girls the true meaning of Easter. I am so grateful for our loving Heavenly Father, who provided a way for us to repent, be resurrected and live with him again through our Savior Jesus Christ. I have a testimony that He lives, He loves us and He wants us to be happy. 

Egg Dying

We didn't get to dye easter eggs until a few days before Easter. We did two types, Hello Kitty eggs and volcano eggs. 

 The volcano eggs were fun. I made dye with baking soda, water, and food coloring and the girls painted their eggs. 
Then we placed the painted egg in a bowl of vinegar and watched as it bubbled up all around the egg and made the colors blend and become vibrant. 

 Andrew wanted in on the action. 
 And we had to stop to eat some of the boiled eggs. I tried the pinterest recipe of cooking the eggs in the oven. It worked pretty well. 

 We will probably do the volcano eggs again next year, that was really fun.