Monday, March 3, 2014

Brooklyn at 4 years old

An Interview with Brooklyn
How old are you?
What makes you happy?
What is your favorite animal?
"zeebas and gaffs" 
What is your favorite thing to eat?
Cereal or PB&J
(Eating Chinese noodles)
What is your least favorite thing to eat?
What is your favorite thing to do?
Play with toys
What is your favorite tv show?
Team Umi Zoomi
(sitting on her pony watching My Little Ponies)
What are you really good at?
What is your favorite movie?
Tinker Bell
What is your favorite color?
Pink and purple
What is your favorite song?
Let It Go; the Elsa song
Who is your best friend?
What do you and mom do together?
What do you and dad do together?
What is your favorite sport?
Ice Skating
What is your favorite place to go?
Disney World
What is your favorite book?
Cat in the Hat by Dr Suess 
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Pizza chef or mermaid

-Brooklyn's speech has improved tremendously but she is still behind. She especially has trouble with pronouns. For example Brooklyn will say "she" instead of "her", like "Look at she dress".

-One of her favorite games is pretending she is a cat that needs a home and I find her and then give her lots of snuggles. She also likes to play pirates and look for treasure. We make maps and spy glasses and hunt for treasure. Another favorite is making "mail" and pretending to be a post man. 

-Brooklyn is all about repetition and consistency. She wants to do the same things over and over again. 

-She likes to play with all kinds of toys, but prefers small toys. Her small toys she can collect and carry around in a bag. 

-Brooklyn loves her American Girl doll. 

-She still wants to be held and cuddled often. 

-I finally had a break through in getting her to stop sucking her thumb. I had hoped it would lessen with age, but as she was getting older, she was using it more. Nothing I tried worked until I played the vanity card. I told her if she kept sucking her thumb she would have big crooked buck teeth. It worked! I still let her suck her thumb at night, but she hardly ever does it during the day now and if she forgets she looks at me and asks "my teeth ok?". 

-She says "I love you" and gives kisses all throughout the day. Makes up for the whining phase she is in. 
(blowing me kisses)

-Brooklyn has good fine motor skills. She can trace very well for her age. 

-She is getting bossy.

A few funnies:
"who la la" she is copying Fancy Nancy and means oh la la. 
-"hanatizer"(hand sanitizer)
-"I dunno"
-"fruit inja" (She thinks all ninjas, which she calls "injas" are fruit ninjas because of the game. She also, thanks to the Nationwide commercial, thinks that ninjas come into your house and give you new things, lol)
-naneah (She calls Laneah, Naneah a lot)

-She sings all day long. Some songs are ones she makes up, others are real songs. Either way, it is adorable. 

-Her favorite things to eat are cereal, go go squeeze, and candy. She is still a very picky eater. Even with things she likes. Sometimes she will eat mac&cheese and sometimes she won't. She tries to skip meals and just snack. Every single morning she asks for a snack or candy and cries when I tell her no. Seriously? I have never given her a snack or candy in the morning so why is she always surprised and upset. Little stinker. 

-Brooklyn is good at rhyming and will randomly rhyme words throughout the day.

-She loves to read books and her favorites are Fancy Nancy and Amelia Bedelia.

-Brooklyn is taking a ballet, tap and tumbling class. Parents are only allowed to watch twice and the first one was in January. It was so fun to watch her and her classmates dance. 

-Brooklyn is my shopping buddy. She even likes grocery shopping, especially when she gets the car cart. 
-She still has potty accidents every couple of weeks.

-Brooklyn loves to laugh. Sometimes its genuine, but she has a great fake laugh too. 

-Brooklyn likes to be my little helper sometimes cooking or cleaning with me. 

-She loves to do crafts. 
-Brooklyn can fall asleep in the most random places and positions. Here she was standing, leaning against the couch and fell asleep. 
I love you Brooklyn!


Heather said...

So much personality in this little gal! How does she sleep like that!?! Caden calls sanitizer the same thing, and I think it's adorable. I love seeing what the girls are up to. They are so beautiful and look like such happy, wonderful little girls.