Monday, March 3, 2014

Laneah at 6 years old

Interview with Laneah:
How old are you?
What makes you happy?

What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite thing to eat?
Chinese Food
What is your least favorite thing to eat?
What is your favorite thing to do?
What is your favorite tv show?
Peppa Pig
What are you really good at?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite song?
Kidz Bop
Who is your best friend?
What do you and mom do together?
What do you and dad do together?
Wrestle and play ninjas
What is your favorite sport?
What is your favorite place to go?
Nana and Papa's house and the Incredible Pizza Company
What is your favorite book?
Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr Suess
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Work with daddy at JCM or be a doctor

-Likes to try new things. She doesn't care for typical sports but likes to ride her bike and hula hoop. She took ice skating lessons over the summer and can ice skate without falling too much and now she wants to take lessons to help her  roller skate better.

-She loves water and going to the indoor pool. 
-She doesn't like to watch tv very much anymore. She likes a variety of shows and movies, but I still keep her watching things likes Disney movies or Disney Jr. 
-Laneah can eat, and eat and eat. She is always hungry and likes almost everything. She has developed allergies to apples, carrots and peaches. 
-She is doing very well in school. She complains about going in the morning, but always ends up going and having a good time. 

Homework is another story. She only gets one packet of homework a week but she is so dramatic about it hates doing it. 

-Gets excited very easily and upset very easily.

-Is shy around people she doesn't know, or large groups

-When she wants to learn something, she figures it out quickly. She learned to tie her shoe in under 5 minutes with me showing her one time. 
-She will not let me do her hair and she will not let me pick out her clothes. I make her brush her hair, but it gets tangled really fast when its down. And the outfits she insists on wearing sometimes make me shudder, but she has her own interesting style. 

-Laneah likes to "make science", aka, make a giant mess. But she is creative so I try to bite my lip and let her experiment. 

-Laneah is reading. The problem is getting her to read. She didn't like books much when she was little, and now, she has to be in the right mood for reading. Even then, it is more rare for her to want to read to me. She is very good with sight words, but when she is reading a book instead of sounding out a word she doesn't know she just wants to guess. Then she gets frustrated. I just let her read to me when she wants and I don't push her much. She is doing well and I know she reads at school too. 

-Laneah is taking hip hop classes at a studio close to our house. Parents can't see inside, but they have parent viewing days a couple times through the year. They had the first one in January and it was so cute to see what they have been working on. I can't wait for the show in June. 

-She is still very into art and draws and paints as much as she can. She discovered oil pastels at school and they are her favorite to draw and color with. 
These two fight a lot, but play nicely a lot too.

-This "teenager" is the queen of selfies. If she gets a hold of your phone, she can do about 100 pictures in 30 seconds. 
-She got the American Girl doll Saige for her birthday and she really likes the movie and books. She doesn't play with Saige a ton, but she does love her and will play with her more as she grows. 

I love you Laneah!


Heather said...

The hip hop pictures make her look like such a teenager! Hip hop seems to fit her attitude; I can't wait to see the pics from her show. I think it's so cute that she said her daddy is her best friend. I bet that made Jason's night. So glad you post these pics; I love reading your stories!