Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve we went to Jason's cousins house to celebrate. Using mostly pinterest, I put together games and activities to do and put them in balloons to pop at specific times. 
We started off eating snacks and drinking Italian sodas. 
For our first activity we made party hats using tinsel, ribbon and paper cups. (Laneah and Tessa)
Our next activity was to make sparkle marshmallows. We put the marshmallows on sticks, dipped them in water, blotted them with a paper towel and then rolled them in sprinkles. I was busy helping the kids and so Jason was taking the pictures. I would have gotten a close up of the marshmallows, they looked really cool. (Cooper)
Logan complete with blue sprinkles. 
Next up was taking silly pictures with props. 

The girls favorite craft was making fun glittery glasses. You are supposed to pop the lenses out, but Laneah, who has to be defiant in everything, insisted on keeping them in and covered them in glitter. 

Another balloon said to have milk and cookies. I saw these plastic champagne glasses and the kids thought they were so fancy drinking from them. 
Brooklyn still does not like loud noises and would cover her ears every time the other kids popped a balloon. The other activities included a dance party and games with glow sticks. 
We let the kids stay up until midnight. They were all wild and crazy and happy. I couldn't believe that Brooklyn lasted. Amanda and I got the sparkling cider ready and a few minutes before midnight we let the kids pop the last ballon which said to get out the noise makers and confetti poppers. We had the kids stand side by side so they wouldn't end up shooting each other and after the countdown confetti blasted everywhere. The kids cheered and made lots of noise and we all drank the delicious Martinellis. 

We quickly got rid of all the mess (and threw away the noise makers;) and headed home. Brooklyn fell asleep in seconds. Laneah lasted almost until we got home and then passed out after talking the entire way home. It was a great night. Thanks for having us over Brandon and Amanda!


Nana said...

I can't believe they made it til midnight! They do love to party!

Kandice said...

Love it! Such a better mom. I struggle with my kids out of bed at 9?!