Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas 2013

On Christmas Eve, we went to Jason's mom's house to have dinner and open presents. Jason took my memory card out of my camera and I didn't know so I was only able to snap a few blurry pictures on my phone. This one was post worthy though. Laneah and Tessa both got princess pillows and were showing them off. Dinner was really good. I made homemade rolls for the first time and they turned out really yummy, especially with my homemade honey butter. 
The night before Christmas...

Laneah woke up about 5:30 on Christmas morning but we told her she had to wait until it was light outside. She did good and we all got up at 7:15. Brooklyn did not want to get up; she likes to sleep in like me, but as soon as she heard "presents", she popped right up.
Stockings first. The only candy they got was starburst. Brooklyn got Hello Kitty socks, Hello Kitty camera, a letter writing book, and ABC game and more. Laneah got lip smakers chapstick, Hello Kitty socks, a handwriting book, a Hello Kitty pen with a plume (like Fancy Nancy!) and more. 

Then it was time for presents. The girls were both really cute this year. My mom skyped with us to watch them open presents. Laneah really took the time to comment on and enjoy each gift this year. She got some great American Girl doll clothes for her and her doll. 
Brooklyn looking at a princess purse you can color and decorate with markers and gems.

As soon as Laneah saw the matching outfit from my mom, she left the room to change her clothes and her dolls clothes. 
One of the girls favorite gifts, from Aunt Norma and Uncle Jake. It is an animal pet that you can warm up or freeze. Laneah got a cheetah and Brooklyn got a pig. Brooklyn carries hers around all the time and likes me to warm it up for her. 

When Laneah saw the matching pajamas I got for her and Saige (her doll), she jumped up and gave Jason a hug. She told everyone it was her favorite present. 
Brooklyn loves little toys. She is a collector and has bags and purses full of little toys. Naturally she loved the small princess set. 
This picture is so funny. Like I said, Laneah got so excited over everything. We heard "This is just what I wanted!" and "I can't believe it!" many times. 
The girls got lots of princess dolls: Belle, Gaston, Beast (who changes into the prince), Cinderella, Aladdin and Jasmine. Laneah also got some leggings, air dry clay, Despicable Me Operation game. Brooklyn also got a play cell phone, keys, a Hello Kitty stuffed animal, a letter game, and a wooden cupcake set you can decorate with. I got a set of pots and pans from my parents, a blow dryer from Santa, and a camera strap from Jason (who also accidentally broke my camera on Christmas morning). Jason got a Redskins beanie, socks, basketball shoes and thermal long johns.  
In the afternoon we went to Jason's dad's house for Christmas lunch. Laneah got a kid tough camera and Brooklyn got her first bike. 

After Jason's dad's house we went to visit his grandmother and by the time we were done it was after 7 and we were exhausted. We stopped at a house close by that has the lights that coordinate with a music station and then went home to get get ready for bed. Busy, busy Christmas.


Nana said...

Thanks for skyping with me so I could join in the fun!I love you all so much! It was very hard not having you all here. I hope next Christmas I will get my greatest wish to have all my kids and grand kids together!