Sunday, January 5, 2014


We got our first bit of snow in December. It wasn't much, but the girls were determined to make a snowman. 

The girls had lots of school parties. I went to Brooklyn's preschool one day to help the kids make gingerbread houses. 

Laneah's friend Ezra came over for a sleepover and they made a checklist of things they wanted to do. I can only read some of it: pillow fight, glow sticks, frost Christmas cookies, bracelets. It was adorable. 
Ezra and Laneah showing off the bff bracelets they made for each other. 
For Ezra's birthday we all went to see Frozen, the newest Disney movie. 
Brooklyn made this cute Santa mask at preschool. 
We bought our Christmas tree and decorated it. Jason loves getting a real tree every year. 
Our neighbor threw a pj Christmas party. The kids played Just Dance on the Wii, made a craft, ate cookies and milk and exchanged secret santa gifts. It was really cute. 

All the kids love Jason. 
We went to Jason's dad's extended family Christmas celebration. The kids made sugar cookies and did a white elephant game. 

Brooklyn's completed cookies.
We did our December kiwi crate. They made polar bear mitts and headbands and there were special balls to catch with the gloves. 

I went out with my mother in law and sister in laws to celebrate Megan's birthday. 
The girls listening to me reading a story. They looked too cute not to snap a photo. 
Kathy got Laneah a pot holder craft for Christmas and came over to help her make some. 

And we finally made it to see the Christmas lights at the temple. It was after Christmas, but it was still packed. The girls loved seeing the lights. 

2013 is winding up. 


Nana said...

Fun , fun, fun! You are such a busy Mom, and a great Mom too! Jason is a great Dad too!