Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Laneah's 6th Birthday

Laneah's birthday is December 20th. We had our traditional birthday pancakes, which she said she wanted, but did not eat. But since she was the birthday girl I let her choose an egg sandwich instead. 

 Her birthday was on a Friday and it was also the last day of school before the holiday break and it was pajama day! Lucky girl.
 I went to the school to eat lunch with her and played with her at recess. 

 Laneah with her best friend Ezra, who shares the same birthday too. 
 For dinner Laneah requested Cafe Rio and we were happy to oblige;) 
After dinner, we went to our neighbor's Christmas pajama party (I put pictures of this in the December post) and that took the rest of the evening and was lots of fun. We had Laneah's family birthday party Saturday night. She wanted a cookie cake and wanted everything written in "rainbow". She also wanted cherry ice cream. 

 Then it was time for presents. She got a piggy bank, some money, and lots of accessories for her doll: a bed, a traveling case, a sleepover kit and a guitar. 
Laneah had a great birthday weekend. 


Nana said...

My beautiful, fun, wonderful Laneah!I'm so very thankful for you being a part of our forever family! You bring me so much Joy!Happy 6th birthday! You are so very special to me!