Sunday, December 22, 2013


November flew by! Here are the highlights:

Laneah went to her friend Maddie's birthday tea party. They made these cute hats. 

 I watch Brooklyn's best friend Sidney for a few hours on Tuesdays. They love spending time together. One day they put on swimsuits and pretended to go to the beach. (in their boots! so cute!)
 Kami and I got to indulge in our favorite milkshakes. The chocolate peppermint milkshake at Chick Fil-A is to die for and they only come out this time of year. 
 Every year our church gives 100 Thanksgiving baskets to families in need. Laneah was at a playdate when we sorted, but went with us to deliver baskets the next morning. Brooklyn loved help sorting the food on the tables. She is such a good helper. 

 We went to Silver Star gym. We hadn't been in months and the girls had a lot of fun. 
 My creative girls making their own band and drum set. 
 Laneah set the table for Jason and I to have a date. It was really sweet. 
 I took the girls to Ice at the Gaylord. Laneah loved it but Brooklyn screamed the entire time because she did not want to wear her hat, gloves or coat! She was throwing a major tantrum the little stink. She is banned for life from Ice. lol. 

Every year the theme is different and this year it was 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'. All the pictures you see are made of ice. It is amazing. Cold, but amazing. 

 I got Brooklyn to go down the slide once. Then it was right back to screaming. 

 After we finished Ice, we went to the Gaylord hotel to ride the train and see the fountain show. It also snows inside but we didn't stay for that because it was a couple hours away. 

On November 30th, we went to Homestead Gardens to see Santa and the train. Both the girls are finally old enough that they are excited to see Santa. 

Laneah found some mistletoe and used it to get a kiss from daddy. 
 My sweet, beautiful girls. 

And the last thing we did in November was to go see a Christmas tree lighting. 
Let the Christmas season begin!!


Anonymous said...

What great pictures! It looks like it was a fun and busy month.The girls look so beautiful in their blue dresses.

Nana said...

The last comment was mine, I forgot to put my name.