Tuesday, December 31, 2013

American Girl Doll Party

Laneah wanted an American Girl doll for her birthday. Her two best friends have AGDs as well. We went to the store and I let her decide what doll she wanted. She picked Saige, the doll of the year. I bought the doll but she had to wait for her birthday party, which was also at the American Girl doll store. On the morning of her birthday party (December 7th), I had her doll and accessories (from my mom) all set up for her. She was so excited. 

 The girls took turns pretending to be American Girl dolls.

 My mom got Saige's sparkly dress and her dog. 
 After getting ready, the girls started to arrive for the party. The American Girl Doll is at Tyson's Corner (about 45 mins away if there is no traffic) so I drove and had one other mom, Kami, come chaperone with me. 
All of the girls brought their dolls to celebrate.
We got there early so we had time to look around. The store is 2 stores and has a bistro, a doll hospital and a doll salon. The party posse: Scarlette , Ezra, Laneah and Jency.
The party was at the store's Bistro, which is so sweet. Laneah and Saige got a special birthday hat and each of the dolls got a seat, plate and cup. 

Laneah pretending to give Saige a drink.

While we were waiting for the food, Laneah took my phone and the girls were doing selfies.
 The party includes lunch and each girl got to choose an appetizer and an entree. Laneah got yogurt and fruit fondue for her appetizer, and pizza for her entree. It even came with a flower. 
 After lunch it was time for cake and presents. The Bistro also provided a cute pink and white cake and ice cream and it tasted really good. Laneah always gets embarrassed and stony faced when she has the attention of lots of people. But she was excited about the cake. 

She thought it was her right as the birthday girl to lick all the candles;)
 The girls lined all their dolls up so they could be together. 
 She got some great presents and was happy with her loot. Plus all the girls got gift bags from the Bistro party with a book, a plastic balloon for their doll, a birthday shirt for their doll, and a few other trinkets. 

It was by far the easiest birthday party I have thrown for my kiddos. The American Girl Doll store did all the work and it was adorable. The girls had lots of fun and Laneah is so happy with her new doll.  


Nana said...

So Cute! What a great party! I love the pictures. Laneah and all her friends are so adorable! I sure wish I could have been there.