Monday, December 9, 2013

Halloween Day

Laneah's school has a parade and classroom parties on Halloween. Since my mom was in town I was able to go volunteer at the class party. 
 The principal, Mr Barzel. 
 The parade was cute. All the older kids cheered on the younger ones. 
 I was at the party station for snacks. We made ghost bananas, popcorn and cookies. 
 One station was bingo using candy corn. They also had a painting and play dough station and a cookie decorating station.
 After the activities, the kids got to eat their snacks. 
 After Jason got home we got ready to go Trick or Treating. 
Brooklyn was a Barbie skeleton.
Laneah was Pocohantas.

 We met up with the family to celebrate Blake's (my nephew) birthday.
 All the cousins. 

 Then it was time to get some candy. Brooklyn was ready. Halloween is her favorite holiday. 

 A lot of the houses in the neighborhood were decked out. Some even had fireworks and BBQs. Practically every house gave the girls handfuls of candy so their baskets were full in no time. Which was lucky because by 7 it started to rain. 
 After putting the girls to bed, I caught Jason already raiding the best candy from the bucket, lol. 
 The girls had a great Halloween. 


Nana said...

It was a fun night!