Saturday, November 30, 2013

Montpelier Farms

On October 12th, we went to another festival. It has giant slides and a huge corn maze with a different theme each year. This years theme was deep sea and it had 4 sections you can see in the picture below; whale, turtle, octopus and shark. 
Laneah led the way. We were given a flag and a paper that could be decoded using a 3D station that gave you clues throughout the maze. Good thing Jason can read maps so well, I probably would have been lost in there for hours;)

Laneah was funny, she kept getting so excited over corn she would find on the ground. 
 The slides were a big hit, we spent a good 15 minutes there and there was no line, so they got their fill. 
 Even Jason took a turn after Brooklyn asked him to go with her and then took off by herself, lol. 

We took a break for a snack or pretzel dogs, donuts and apple cider slushies. The slushy was delicious.

 They have a giant section called the kids corral, with a playground, moon bounce, tractor karts, and more. The girls liked these horse swings more than the moon bounce. 

There was a lasso station there and the girls tried their best. 

Laneah went so fast on the tractor kart I couldn't get a great picture. 
 The girls painted their own pumpkins. 

 There was a large pumpkin patch on the farm so we decided to go ahead and get out pumpkins while we were there. They had a pumpkin nursery where you could save your pumpkins after you bought them, with bassinets and all.

 Since it is a farm, there were lots of animals to pet and feed. 

 And they had the famous cow ride. It is nice that both the girls can ride by themselves now. 

 Laneah making a Frankenstein face. 
 We are actually in a giant pumpkin in this picture, but strangers don't always make the best photographers. At least the girls are smiling:)
 Laneah winning the duck race. 

 The hayride was our last activity. 

It was a fun family day. 

Fall Festival

On October 5th, we went to our annual fall festival. We love this festival. It is fun and free so it can't be beat:) This year we brought some friends along. The girls started off getting their faces painted. 

 Then played some games. 

 The girls loved the sack race. 
 And of course, the pony rides. 

 Checking out the animals. 

 They had these delicious pumpkin smoothies, hot dogs, popcorn, chips, sodas and more. All free and so good. 
 The girls all had a blast playing and dancing and jumping on the moon bounces. We are excited for next year. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Wedding Pictures and Reception

After the wedding it was picture time. 

Then we headed to the reception inside the hotel. 

The first dance.

Mother/son dance
The girls were so happy. I have never seen them both having so much fun. They were all over the place. They danced the entire time and exhausted their uncles, lol. 

The cake. 
The sweetheart table
Brooklyn frequently visited the candy bar. 

It was such a fun night.  Everything was beautiful and everyone was happy. Congrats Norma and Jake!!!